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Since I tried to go into as much detail on the reasons, working-principles as well as the syntax itself, this documentation might seem a bit long-wided at first glance; feel free to skip over passages and focus on what's of interest to you specifically; but make sure to not miss out on any crucial syntax-details, as to allow for it's expressivity to fully unfold. There are multiple examples for each predicate, operator and logical junction on their respective pages.

The main motivation to realize this idea of mine was to express non-critical matching patterns, called predicates, without the use of any cryptic internal names, all while abstaining from complex and technical syntax. Many widely used frameworks still operate on numeric item- and sub-ids, only allow for pre-defined or manually configurable groups, and cannot account for more nuanced criteria like enchantments, potion-effects, durability, displayname, lore, music-disc types, trim-patterns, etc.; but why? I couldn't stand these severe limitations, so I'm trying to put forth a completely new way of expressing item-predicates.


As hinted at above, I do not advise to employ this API whenever matches are absolutely critical, e.g. comparing items in quests or shops. The reason is simple: while expressions achieve full precision and execute deterministically, the simple fact that they operate on data as retrieved from a mojang language-file and parse user-input by selecting the shortest match containing all syllables, it is impossible to guarantee constant behavior when up- or downgrading the server's minecraft version; unintentional alterations are thereby unavoidable.

This project is not meant as a library to be shaded and possibly even relocated into your own project, but rather intended as an API provided at runtime by depending on the corresponding plugin, for several reasons: version-specific language-files have to be downloaded from mojang's index, which should just be done once, as to not cause needless traffic; predicates may only operate above a certain version, e.g. music-instrument matching, and are loaded conditionally; all uses of predicates shall feel and behave equally accross the whole server - especially realtime result rendering, completion, expansion and error-messaging.

By adhering to the above advice, the API-consumer not only allows for a central point of configuration and comparison decision, but also delegates the responsibility of version-specific implementation-details; simply think of this API as a function which takes in a string representing the predicate-expression, throws if malformed, and otherwise returns a function which returns true or false based on it's input ItemStack - a clean and simple abstraction.